Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional tarjoaa skaalattavan, maakohtaisen analyysiratkaisun rakenneinsinöörille useiden rakennetyyppien, kuten rakennusten, siltojen, yhdyskunta- ja erikoisrakenteiden analysointiin.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional laskee laajan valikoiman erilaisia rakenteita kattavalla sarjalla rakentamismääräyksiä, mikä tuottaa tuloksia minuuteissa. Ohjelmiston monikäyttöisyys mahdollistaa niin yksinkertaiset kehärakenteiden analyysit kuin monimutkaiset FEM-laskennat, teräs- ja teräsbetonisuunnittelun sekä saumattoman yhteentoimivuuden muiden Autodeskin teknisen suunnittelun tuotteiden tai ulkopuolisten sovellusten kanssa.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalin pääominaisuuksia:
- Saumaton kaksisuuntainen yhteys Autodesk Revit Structureen
- Kehittynyt FEM-verkon automatisointi
- Laaja kirjo analysointivaihtoehtoja
- Alan huippua edustavat analyysiratkojat
- Kattavat analyysitulokset
- Useita kieli- ja yksikkövaihtoehtoja
- Maakohtaiset asetukset ja rakentamismääräykset
- Integroidut teräs- ja teräsbetoniratkaisut
- Integroitu työnkulku rakenneanalysoinnista ja -suunnittelusta valmisteiden piirtämiseen.
- Avoin ja joustava ohjelmointirajapinta (API)
Robot Structural Analysis on saatavilla osana AEC kokoelmaa.
Seamless Bidirectional Links with Revit Structure
Seamlessly import and export structural models between Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional and Revit® Structure software with the Revit® Extensions for Revit Structure analysis integration tool. Bidirectional linking enables accurate structural analysis and design results to be updated throughout the building information model (BIM) for coordinated construction documentation.
Integrated Workflow from Structural Analysis and Design to Fabrication Drawings
Create structural models and perform structural analysis and design within Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional and seamlessly transfer the model and results to AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software to generate fabrication drawings. Within this ecosystem of structural engineering software, the structural engineer can take advantage of an integrated workflow from design, through analysis, to fabrication.
Advanced Finite Element Auto-meshing Capabilities
Powerful mesh generation techniques enable a structural engineer to more effortlessly work with even the most complex models. Automatic mesh generation and manual definition of meshing parameters can be manipulated independently for each panel, providing the ability to create a high-quality finite element mesh for more precise analysis results.
Multiple Languages and Units for Global Markets
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional supports multinational design teams using many languages, including English, French, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Chinese, and Japanese. Structural analysis can be performed in one language and output in another, and Imperial and metric units can be used in combination within the same structural model.
Country-Specific Preferences and Design Codes
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional includes more than 60 sections and materials databases from around the world. With an array of 70 built-in design codes, structural engineers can work with country-specific section shapes, Imperial or metric units, and country-specific building codes within the same integrated model.
Wide Range of Analysis Capabilities
Investigate the linear and true nonlinear behaviour of any structure. The software allows the simple and effective analysis of many types of nonlinearity, such as P-delta analysis; tension/compression members; and supports, cables, and plastic hinges. Also explore the response of your structures to dynamic loading such as harmonic frequencies, seisms, and earthquakes.
Integrated Design Solution for Reinforced Concrete and Steel
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional contains integrated reinforced concrete design and steel design modules based on more than 40 international steel codes and 30 reinforced concrete codes, helping to simplify the design process and assist with the selection, verification, and optimisation of structural elements.
State-of-the-Art Analysis Solvers
State-of-the-art fast dynamic solvers help ensure that structural dynamic analysis can be more easily carried out for any size of structure. The more efficient analysis algorithms of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional are designed and optimised for quad-core and multicore computer processors, giving structural engineers the calculation speed to deliver more accurate results for demanding structures in minutes versus hours.
Extensive Output of Analysis Results
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional provides flexibility in obtaining analysis results. Review results as visualisations and raw data in varying outputs, including:
- Tabulated, which enables easy filtering and sorting
- Diagrams on bars
- Cuts through shells
- Illustrated colour maps
- Stresses for the entire structure in a beam or column
- Illustrated stresses in a selected direction shown for solids and shells
Documents can be presented in Microsoft® Word® format or as an HTML document. Table contents can be saved to a Microsoft® Excel® format file.
Open and Flexible API
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional uses Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) technologies, enabling an open and flexible API (application programming interface). Possible uses include:
- Linking Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional with external programms, such as Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Word, and AutoCAD® software.
- Extracting results from Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
- Writing post-processing software, such as special codified analysis for steel, concrete, timber, and aluminium
- Creating parametric structures in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional